Pirate Jokes be here, mateys!

Pirate booty! Pirate merchandise for sale

Wee Pirate Skull - Adults Dark T-Shirt

Welcome aboard ye scurvy International Talk Like A Pirate Day bilge rats!

Treat yer scurvy with a pirate joke!
Thar be plenty o' joke booty here, the finest of the seven seas.

On September 28, 2013, captain Black Ragnar said:
How did the Jewish pirate pay for his drinks in the Portobello Tavern?
With pieces of seven.
Rate this joke!
Arrr, ye've already voted - vote again and ye'll sleep with Davy Jones!
From: Made it up after having a drink with a Jewish pirate.
Hit me again! Thar be plenty more where that came from!
Fire starboard! Another joke!

Check out the Captain's Blarrrg, last written on September 19, 2016:
" Ahoy matey, and another happy Talk Like a Pirate Day to ye! We've swabbed the deck with some new pirate jokes, full of AYE-Phones and Uberrrrrrrrrs,..." See more!

Yarrrgh matey, ye've been boarded!
Prepare to be gutted with laughs, quartered by puns, and walk the plank of ARRRRRS!
Today we carry 1,066 jokes below deck!